The preparation will aid in a deeper detoxification of the body, mind and spirit.
The dieta is the first step of your ceremony, It assists the detox on a deeper level and makes the experience with Kambo easier. It’s a good time to reflect, journal, meditate and connect to your intention to get the most out of your Kambo experience.
Preparing Your Body for Kambo:
The dieta will begin 3-7 days before the Kambo ceremony.
Please try to eat as organic as possible.
Try drink RO or spring water and up your water intake
Avoid the following foods:
Processed foods
Artificial sweeteners/ corn syrup
Red meat / Pork (be mindful of the meat that your consuming, organic and pasture raised or wild caught as much as possible or try to choose plant based if possible)
Gluten (as much as possible)
Caffeine (green tea is fine)
DO NOT fast for 3 days before the day of your ceremony.
Do not remove salt from your diet,and be sure to add a healthy amount of sodium on your food
Please do not do the following:
Give blood
Get vaccinated in the time of your dieta
Recreational Drugs /ALCOHOL
Sit with any plant medicines
Take any medications your practitioner isn’t aware of
DO NOT fast or do any of colonics
While being conscious about the food we are eating, we also want to be aware of what we are feeding our mind by limiting time on social media and exposure to negative influences.
It's recommended to remain celibate during your dieta and abstain from all sexual activities, including masturbation, to facilitate a deeper connection to your intentions and what you would like to let go of in ceremony.
Day of Ceremony:
Please wear all white, white is worn because energetically it reflects negative and heavy energy's and represents rebirth and purity.
Do not consume anything other then water
Be sure to have 2 liters (1/2 a gallon) of room temperature non-tap water ready to drink when I arrive for the ceremony.