Kambo is a catalyst to connect your heart, mind, body and spirit with the help with the transformative detoxifying medicine from the jungle.

Acate Warrior provides a safe, knowledgeable, and healing experience for those who are looking to explore alternative medicines in the comfort of their own home.

Your journey with the medicine is cultivated around your intention and the emotional blocks or physical pain that lead you to Kambo, followed with integration steps to incorporate the experience into your day to day life.


  • Experience the ancient healing ceremonies in the comfort of your own home. Learn about the cost, the process, and the incredible benefits.

  • I’m a certified CKPI Kambo Practitioner, Holistic Health Practitioner and trained Herbalist located in San Diego.

    I was trained by a man who lived with the Matses Tribe for 10 years, and was given their blessing to teach how to serve this medicine.

    Because of my training I serve Kambo in the closest way to Matses tradition, and only getting medicine straight from the source, supporting indigenous livelihood and ethically source Kambo.

    I utilize the plant spirits Mapacho (Organic Tabacco), and local sage to enhance spiritual protection and aid in purging during ceremony.

    I found that intention setting to be the most profound catalyst to navigate trauma release and to get to the root of why you would like to sit with Kambo.

    I do house calls and will travel to you for ceremonies.

  • A phone call is required to book a ceremony to see if Kambo is for you.

    You can reach me at :

    (760) 783-3773

    IG: Acatewarrior

    Email: Acatewarrior@gmail.com